Midsummer Solstice Latvia

June 19 - July 3, 2020

On-line Show



The paintings for her first theme show celebrate the Latvian Midsummer  Solstice, called Jāņi. 

Kigel’s  four grandparents were born in Latvia, and her parents grew up in the United States, speaking both Latvian and English. 

On Jāņi, Latvian people wearing floral wreaths gather to eat Latvian food, drink beer,  sing folksongs, and light bonfires.  The bonfires symbolize ancient fertility rites.  Each June Jāņi is celebrated both in Latvia and with the Latvian diaspora in the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Australia

.  Studio visitors are asked to follow Maine’s CDC health guidelines.  For more information, contact jean@jeankigel.com


Yearning to Be Free, watercolor, on exhibit at the Know County Courthouse, Rockland, ME


Song Festival


Farmers' Market, Riga              From the Amber Road



The Dom                Red Roofs                  Sigulda Warehouse                  Gemstone        



Vecs Pils      Swedish Gate      Storms of Old and New     the Dom II



A Day on the Lake            To the Victor                            Eastern Fetch                    On the Venta River