To copy or reproduce any copyrighted material you must first have permission in writing from the artist, even if you own the original piece of art. There is usually a fee involved which is based upon the nature of the reproduction. For example a one-time use of a pen & ink illustration in a small magazine or newsletter might cost $100 while a painting used for a trade market book cover might cost $500 or more to use for the life of the book. Occasionally permission may be granted free to not-for-profit or educational organizations and worthy causes. There is usually also a nominal media charge--the cost of a transparency duplicate or digital media such as a CD, depending upon your needs.
You may request permission for any of the images in these galleries by e-mail, letter, fax or by telephone. Please indicate the images you are interested in by title, and include: for what purpose you intend to use it (magazine article, newsletter, book cover, etc.); what medium they will be reproduced in (web, magazine, newspaper, etc.); how many copies will be printed or published; and whether the rights you seek permission for are exclusive, exclusive to one medium, one-time only, or to include reprints.
To email, address your message to
or write: Jean Kigel 1396 Back Cove Road, Waldoboro, ME 04572
or phone: 207-832-5152 between 9am and 5pm EST]